VBuzzer Messenger is an instant messaging application that integrates Internet Fax, SMS Mobile, VPN, and VoIP into one package. VBuzzer works with Yahoo!, AIM, ICQ, and Windows Live Messenger networks, allowing us to keep in touch with all our friends, regardless of the service they are using. After setting it up, all we need to do is sign up, and then associate our different email accounts. It has a clean interface that will seem familiar to all WLM users, which can be customized with different colors. It offers the array of functions one expects to find in such an application; for one thing, and apart from chatting, we can hold group conversations, share files with our contacts, use avatars, and customize our status. We can also configure alerts for certain events, as well as sound notifications. On the other hand, with VBuzzer it is possible to make phone calls to landline or mobile phones and record them, send Internet fax and SMS, according to its authors, with lower costs than other services of the kind. You can check the fees for these services on VBuzzer website. The VPN service is a new function added to this release, and can be used after suscribing to any of the monthly plans available.
Vbuzzer is a lightweight application, quite stable and functional even though it is a beta version.
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